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Health Coaching

Health Coaching allows you to work with a trained professional to make long-term positive health plans. When faced with health issues such as weight loss or gain as well as management of chronic conditions it often impacts individuals negatively with negative outcomes on the person's emotional world, not only physically and thus can cause negative outcomes on your goals.

Health Coaches encourage you to adapt to a healthier lifestyle by providing good advice, positive motivation, and emotional support. This is done by discussing ideas and issues that you may be facing by letting you create your own goals and providing positive strategies to arrive to these goals. Health Coaching is a collaborative partnership in which the individual is empowered to turn their new healthy habits into automated routines.

Encouraging individuals to stay healthy and accountable


SDPsychology Health Coaching Programs are designed to assist individuals in achieving sustainable lifestyle changes in weight management, stress management, nutrition, physical activity, tobacco cessation, work-life balance, and overall life satisfaction. The wellness coaching sessions are entirely confidential.

Whether it is a virtual or in-person session, individuals are provided with unlimited visits based on their unique needs. This customized approach helps members obtain new skills and develop actionable goals that bring them closer to achieving their highest well-being.

Encouraging individuals to stay healthy & accountable

Personalized and Convenient: Our wellness coaches are highly trained experts in behavior change, with extensive experience helping members achieve long-lasting results through proven techniques. Acting as trusted accountability partners, they motivate people to set and reach realistic goals. Whether managing weight or identifying foods that could negatively impact health, our certified wellness coaches offer guidance on approaching a healthy, holistic lifestyle in an easy and achievable way tailored to each individual's needs. With personalized support and convenient access to our wellness coaches in La Jolla and other areas of San Diego, you can be sure to make progress toward your wellness goals.

Collaborative and Versatile Programs: Our teams offer personalized wellness coaching to help support and encourage positive behavior changes among members. In addition, we organize seminars and programs that cover various topics, such as mindfulness and stress management. Our integrated care team fosters collaboration across products, allowing providers to create innovative programs that combine wellness coaching, fitness, behavioral health, and more to engage and strengthen member well-being.

Accessible Virtual Appointments: Virtual visits offer an opportunity for wellness coaches to gain an in-depth understanding of their clients' habits. Clients receive a personalized experience that supports their journey toward achieving and maintaining optimal health by assisting them with reading food labels and adjusting recipes to make them healthier.

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