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Trauma and PTSD

Traumatic events can result in a person feeling insecure, helpless, isolated, overwhelmed, and have anxiety. Trauma can be inflicted by many factors, such as one time events, ongoing, relentless stress or commonly overlooked causes such as: surgery, grief and loss of someone close to you, humiliating or deeply disappointing experiences. Coping and reacting to these types of emotions varies from person to person, however you may be experiencing physical and emotional symptoms such as: shock, denial, anger, anxiety, sadness, hopelessness, disconnected from others or loved ones, or feeling numb. Physical symptoms to trauma can also lead to insomnia, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, muscle tension, and edginess. Recovering from trauma takes time as everyone heals at a different pace. Receiving help from a specialist in a safe and quiet space to be able to resolve these unpleasant feelings can help you process and evaluate your thoughts and feelings about the trauma. 

In connection with traumatic events, such as natural disasters, car accidents, being in combat, violent events, you may have heard the term PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), which is the technical term that mental health professionals use to note the emotional and physical difficulties that occur after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. PTSD affects 3.5% of adults every year.

Symptoms can vary depending on each experience however examples of symptoms of PTSD are intrusive thoughts of the event or “flashbacks," avoidance of people, places, activities or situations that will trigger a memory of the event, unable to experience positive emotions, irritable or having angry outbursts, or having problems concentrating or sleeping. Often these symptoms are not experienced immediately, but may start months or years after the event. These symptoms often persist for months and sometimes years which can lead to other related conditions if left untreated such as depression, substance use, memory problems and other physical and mental health problems.

Our trauma therapists offer a comprehensive approach to treating PTSD in person in La Jolla and Encinitas and remotely via a secure video system on our portal. We utilise traditional therapeutic techniques and innovative treatments to provide our patients with the best care tailored to their unique experiences and symptoms. Our proximity makes it convenient for individuals to access world-class PTSD care without having to travel far from their homes. 

Recovering from PTSD can be a challenging journey, but with the proper support and guidance, it is entirely achievable. At SD Psychology, we are committed to assisting individuals to reclaim their lives, find their strength, and embrace a future free from the devastating effects of trauma.

Understanding PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a severe mental health condition that arises from traumatic experiences. These experiences can range from witnessing combat, natural disasters, personal assaults, or unexpected accidents. PTSD is complicated because individuals affected by this disorder often find themselves trapped in a cycle of traumatic events, reliving the pain through vivid flashbacks, haunting nightmares, and involuntary memories that intrude into their daily lives.

PTSD is insidious and can significantly affect daily functioning, making even simple tasks feel insurmountable. Trauma & PTSD treatment in La Jolla, as well as other locations in San Diego, can help individuals recover and improve their overall well-being.


Symptoms of PTSD

PTSD symptoms can develop instantly or may develop over a few minutes, days, months, or even years.

  • Flashbacks: Vivid memories of a situation can cause intense feelings as if it's happening now.

  • Avoidance: The intensity of these feelings and memories is overwhelming, leading you to block them out as a coping mechanism.

  • Guarded:  You are always on edge and ready to react, feeling guarded and tense.

Diagnosis of Trauma & PTSD

The process of diagnosing PTSD requires a thorough and detailed approach. At SDPsychology, we take pride in using a multifaceted method that includes standardised screening tools and questionnaires, in-depth clinical interviews, and coordination with other healthcare professionals to provide an accurate diagnosis. Early and precise diagnosis is not just a procedural requirement but also an essential factor in initiating effective Trauma & PTSD treatment. This ensures that the hold of this disorder does not become stronger.


Why Choose SDPsychology for Trauma & PTSD Treatment?

Choosing a treatment facility can often be overwhelming, especially when you are on the journey to recovery. However, at SD Psychology, you can rest assured that you are in good hands. We are not just a treatment centre but a sanctuary guided by a team of multidisciplinary experts who bring their extensive knowledge, experience, and empathy to the forefront. Each treatment plan we design is a testament to our dedication to personalized care. SD Psychology is not just a choice but a promise of unparalleled excellence and compassionate care for individuals seeking treatment for PTSD in La Jolla as well as other locations in San Diego. Visit us to learn more about our services, and let us be your partner in this journey towards recovery and hope.


PTSD Treatment

  • Psychotherapy:  Using a variety of therapeutic techniques to challenge your thought process, establish and implement coping strategies, and deal with feelings.

  • Medication: If medicine is recommended, we will help you find a physician that is trained in trauma therapy to assist with medication management.

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