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Illness / Pain Management

Health problems are stressful. It is easy to fall into a negative stress cycle while worrying about pain and illness. Our Clinic offers stress management related to health problems and we specialize in helping cancer patients navigate the stressors of treatment. Further, we have a multidisciplinary approach to pain and injuries and will work with your physician, physical therapist, and trainer to help you overcome injuries.

Psychotherapy is beneficial in each step of your treatment, from the moments of first diagnosis to managing treatment and surgeries and making plans for the future. A trained psychologist will be with you on this difficult path. 

What is Illness and Pain Management?


Illness and Pain Management is a specialized service that helps people deal with the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that come with chronic pain. You will discuss your physical and emotional health with your therapist during therapy sessions. They will ask you about the specifics of your pain, including when and where it occurs and what factors might contribute to it. Additionally, your counsellor will likely ask you about any worries or stress you have, especially those related to your pain. With the help of your counsellor, you will develop new ways of thinking about your pain and finding solutions. You may learn to approach your pain differently and develop positive coping mechanisms.

How does Illness and Pain Management counselling work?

Chronic pain is a common condition that can be treated with different types of counselling. Individual and Group Psychotherapy are the most common approaches, involving mindfulness and somatic-based techniques. The goal of psychotherapy is to improve an individual's sense of well-being.


During therapy, your therapist may help you understand that individuals, not outside situations and events, create their own experiences, including pain. By changing your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in response to pain, you can change your awareness of pain and develop better coping skills, even if the actual level of pain remains the same.


Somatic and mindfulness therapy can also help relieve pain in several ways. It can change the way you view your pain, helping you change your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors related to pain, improve coping strategies, and put the discomfort in a better context. As a result, you may feel that the pain interferes less with your quality of life, allowing you to function better.


Therapy encourages reframing your interpretation of the pain so you feel less helpless and more in control of the situation. It fosters coping skills that can be applied to many situations in your everyday life, allowing you to use the tactics you learn for pain management to help you deal with other problems you may encounter in the future.

Who can Illness and Pain Management counselling benefit?

Chronic pain lasts more than six months or longer than the time it takes for tissue to heal. If you're experiencing this, then counselling could be beneficial for you. Our therapists in our La Jolla and Encinitas offices provide counselling for illness and pain management. We understand that chronic pain can prevent you from participating in recreational, vocational, and social activities that you used to enjoy regularly.

In counselling, you'll identify these losses, which can cause feelings of anger, resentment, and frustration that can further complicate and add to the physical experience of pain and illness. Your counsellor will use a values-based approach to work through the emotional aspects of living with a chronic condition, taking into account the profound impact it has on your experience and the challenges you face living with pain or illness.

  • What are the benefits of health coaching?
    Health coaching can help individuals improve their physical health, manage chronic conditions, achieve weight loss goals, reduce stress, improve sleep quality, enhance energy levels, and cultivate a healthier lifestyle overall.
  • Who can benefit from health coaching?
    Anyone seeking to make positive changes in their health and lifestyle can benefit from health coaching. This includes individuals looking to lose weight, manage chronic conditions, improve nutrition, increase physical activity, reduce stress, or enhance overall well-being.
  • What is health coaching?
    Health coaching is a process that facilitates healthy, sustainable behavior change by challenging clients to develop their inner wisdom, identify their values, and transform their goals into action.
  • What does a health coach do?
    A health coach works with clients to set achievable health goals, develop personalized action plans, provide support and accountability, and help clients navigate obstacles to improve their well-being.
  • What should I expect during a health coaching session?
    During a health coaching session, you can expect to discuss your progress toward your goals, explore challenges and obstacles, receive personalized guidance and support, and collaboratively develop strategies to overcome barriers and continue moving forward in your health journey.
  • Who can benefit from therapy for depression?
    Anyone experiencing symptoms of depression, such as persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, fatigue, and feelings of worthlessness or guilt, can benefit from depression counselling.
  • What are the different types of therapy for depression?
    There are various types of therapeutic approaches for depression, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), interpersonal therapy (IPT), psychodynamic therapy, and mindfulness-based therapies. The most effective approach may vary depending on individual needs and preferences.
  • Is therapy for depression confidential?
    Yes, therapy is confidential, and ethical guidelines and laws bind therapists to maintain client confidentiality. However, there are some exceptions to confidentiality, such as if there is a risk of harm to yourself or others.
  • How long does therapy for depression last?
    The duration of therapy varies depending on factors such as the severity of symptoms, individual progress, and the type of therapy used. Some people may see improvement in a few sessions, while others may benefit from longer-term therapy.
  • What is therapy for depression?
    Therapy sessions with a trained mental health professional to address and manage symptoms of depression. It aims to provide support, guidance, and coping strategies to individuals experiencing depression, but especially it helps understand what in your life brought you to this point and how it impacts your life and, by extension, others in your life.
  • What common goals do people work on in personal growth therapy?
    Common goals include improving self-esteem and self-confidence, developing effective communication skills, managing stress and anxiety, overcoming obstacles, making important life decisions, enhancing relationships, and achieving greater fulfilment and purpose.
  • Is personal growth therapy suitable for everyone?
    Personal growth counselling can benefit anyone motivated to explore and improve themselves, regardless of age, background, or circumstances. However, individuals experiencing severe mental health issues may require specialized treatment from mental health professionals.
  • What can I expect from personal growth sessions?
    In therapy sessions, you can expect to engage in reflective discussions, explore your thoughts and feelings, identify behavior patterns, set goals, and learn strategies to overcome challenges and achieve personal growth.
  • What is personal growth therapy?
    Personal growth therapy is a process where individuals work with a trained therapist to explore and develop aspects of themselves, such as self-awareness, emotional intelligence, interpersonal skills, and coping strategies, to achieve personal goals and improve overall well-being.
  • How is personal growth therapy different from traditional therapy?
    Personal growth therapy focuses on strengths, self-improvement, personal development, and achieving specific goals rather than addressing mental health disorders or treating psychological symptoms, which are the primary focus of traditional therapy.
  • What are the treatment options for someone who has a hard time adjusting to new life circumstances?
    Treatment often involves psychotherapy, such as insight oriented therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), supportive therapy, or counselling.
  • What should I expect during treatment?
    During treatment individuals can expect to engage in therapy sessions where they explore their thoughts, feelings, and reactions to stressors. The therapist will work collaboratively with the individual to establish goals and monitor progress throughout the treatment process.
  • What is treatment for adjustment problems?
    It efers to the interventions, therapies, and strategies aimed at helping individuals cope with and manage significant emotional or behavioral distress in response to identifiable stressors or life changes.
  • How long does treatment typically last?
    The duration of treatment varies depending on the individual's specific needs, the severity of symptoms, and the underlying stressors. Treatment may last a few weeks to several months; in some cases, longer-term support may be necessary.
  • What can I expect in a grief counselling session?
    In a grief counselling session, you can expect a safe and supportive environment where you can express your feelings openly. The therapist will listen empathically, offer validation, provide education about the grieving process, and teach coping strategies tailored to your needs.
  • When should someone consider grief counselling?
    Grief counselling may be beneficial for individuals who are struggling to cope with the death of a loved one, the loss from divorce or separation, or the loss of specific circumstances (i.e. loss of job). When experiencing intense emotions such as sadness, anger, guilt, or numbness for an extended period or finding it difficult to function in daily life due to grief.
  • Is grief counselling only for death-related losses?
    No, grief counselling can be helpful for individuals coping with various types of losses, including the death of a loved one, divorce or separation, loss of a pet, job loss, chronic illness or disability, miscarriage or infertility, and other significant life changes.
  • How long does grief counselling last?
    The duration of grief counselling varies depending on individual needs and the nature of the loss. Some people may find relief after a few sessions, while others may benefit from long-term support. Grief counselling is typically considered short-term, but the frequency and duration of sessions can be adjusted based on progress and ongoing needs.
  • What is grief counselling?
    Grief counselling is a form of therapy that aims to help individuals cope with the emotional, psychological, and sometimes physical effects of loss. It provides support, guidance, and tools for healthily processing grief.
  • What is illness and pain management counselling?
    Illness and pain management counselling involves the provision of support, guidance, and strategies to individuals experiencing physical pain or dealing with chronic illnesses. It aims to help individuals cope effectively with their condition and improve their overall quality of life.
  • What techniques are used in illness and pain management counselling?
    Counselling techniques may include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based approaches, relaxation training, guided imagery, biofeedback, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and stress management techniques.
  • What can I expect during an illness and pain management counselling session?
    During a counselling session, you can expect to discuss your medical history, current symptoms, emotional well-being, coping strategies, and goals for managing your pain or illness. The counsellor may teach relaxation techniques, coping skills, cognitive-behavioral strategies and provide emotional support.
  • How long does illness and pain management counselling last?
    The duration of counselling can vary depending on individual needs, the severity of symptoms, and treatment goals. Some individuals may benefit from short-term counselling, while others may require ongoing support over an extended period.
  • How can counselling help manage pain and illness?
    Counselling can help individuals develop effective coping mechanisms, learn to manage stress and anxiety related to their condition, improve communication with healthcare providers, enhance problem-solving skills, and foster a positive outlook despite the challenges of living with chronic pain or illness.
  • How long does PTSD treatment usually last?
    The duration varies on individual needs. Some may benefit from short-term therapy; others might need longer, more intensive treatment. Regular assessment can help determine the length of the therapy.
  • Are treatments Confidential at SDPsychology?
    All treatments at SDPsychology adhere to strict confidentiality standards, ensuring your privacy and trust.
  • Are there any specialised treatments available in La Jolla?
    Yes, SDPsychology offers Trauma and PTSD treatment tailored to address the unique challenges of this condition.
  • What is PTSD & how is it different from other disorders?
    PTSD arises from exposure to a traumatic event, leading to intrusive memories & avoidance of related stimuli. PTSD is rooted explicitly in Trauma.
  • How do I know if I need psychotherapy?
    You might consider psychotherapy if you are experiencing persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, anger, or hopelessness or if you're struggling to cope with life's challenges. Other signs include difficulty concentrating, changes in sleep or appetite, substance use, relationship problems, or significant life transitions causing distress.
  • How long does psychotherapy take?
    The duration of psychotherapy varies depending on factors such as the nature and severity of the issues, the individual's goals, and the therapeutic approach used. Some people may benefit from short-term therapy focused on specific goals, while others may engage in longer-term therapy to address deeper-rooted issues.
  • What is psychotherapy?
    Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy or counseling, is a collaborative approach to improving an individual's mental health and well-being. It involves discussions with a trained therapist to explore thoughts, emotions, behaviours, and relationships to resolve difficulties, alleviate distress, and promote personal growth.
  • What can I expect during a psychotherapy session at SD Psychology?
    During a psychotherapy session, you can expect to have a confidential and supportive conversation with one of our therapists. You'll have the opportunity to explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, gain insights into your behaviours and patterns, and learn coping strategies and problem-solving skills to address your concerns.
  • What types of issues can psychotherapy help with?
    Psychotherapy can help with a wide range of issues, including depression, anxiety, trauma, grief, stress management, relationship problems, low self-esteem, eating disorders, addiction, and coping with significant life changes or transitions.
  • What are the common causes of burnout among healthcare workers?
    Heavy workloads, long hours, inadequate staffing, exposure to suffering and death, lack of control or autonomy, organizational factors, and a lack of support from colleagues and supervisors can cause burnout among healthcare workers.
  • What is psychotherapy, and how can it help healthcare workers experiencing burnout?
    Psychotherapy is a form of therapy that involves talking with a trained mental health professional to explore and address psychological and emotional issues. It can help healthcare workers experiencing burnout by providing a supportive space to process stressors, develop coping strategies, explore underlying issues, and improve self-care practices.
  • What are the signs and symptoms of healthcare worker burnout?
    Signs and symptoms of healthcare worker burnout include chronic fatigue, insomnia, irritability, lack of concentration, decreased job satisfaction, feelings of cynicism or detachment, and physical symptoms such as headaches or gastrointestinal issues.
  • What is healthcare worker burnout?
    Healthcare worker burnout refers to physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged exposure to stressors in the healthcare profession. It can manifest as feelings of cynicism, detachment from work, and a sense of ineffectiveness.
  • When should a healthcare worker seek professional help for burnout?
    Healthcare workers should seek professional help for burnout when they notice persistent signs and symptoms that interfere with their ability to function effectively at work or in their personal lives. These may include chronic exhaustion, irritability, difficulty concentrating, changes in sleep or appetite, and feelings of hopelessness or helplessness.
  • How long does therapy for anxiety take?
    The duration varies depending on individual needs and the severity of symptoms. Some individuals may experience relief and improvement after a few sessions, while others may require longer-term therapy.
  • What can I expect during a session?
    During a counselling session, you can expect to discuss your thoughts, feelings, and experiences related to anxiety with a trained therapist. The therapist may use various techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness practices, exploration of fears, and relaxation exercises to help you understand and manage your anxiety.
  • What is therapy for anxiety?
    Therapy for Anxiety involves therapy sessions aimed at helping individuals manage and cope with physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms. It provides a supportive environment to explore triggers, develop coping mechanisms, and address underlying issues contributing to anxiety.
  • What if I feel uncomfortable discussing my anxiety with a counsellor?
    It's common to feel nervous or uncomfortable when discussing personal issues with a counsellor. It's important to remember that counsellors are trained professionals who support you in a non-judgmental and confidential environment.
  • How do I know if I need therapy for anxiety?
    If you're experiencing persistent feelings of worry, fear, or panic that interfere with your daily life and activities, it may be beneficial to seek anxiety counselling. Other signs include physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, and muscle tension.
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